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Monday, January 24, 2011

New DoW Design + Updates

Hello everybody, this is Kevin from KlotzProductions and KlotzSquared and welcome to another blog entry.

So I haven't posted any new videos in three days because I have literally been working on one video during that time.  What video is that you might ask?  It is the new Deck of the Week video.  The reason it took me so long is because I redesigned the layout for the video series and it has a lot of effects to render.  It actually took me around 40 hours just to render out the one video that is around 4 minutes.

A really long rendering time

In the future I will be rendering out the background separately and keep that file on my external hard drive so I don't have to render for 40-80 hours every week.  However this means that I will have to render one 20 minute video for about a week one time.  Don't worry though, I will start and stop the render when I have time and keep making new videos in between.

A sneak peak at the new design... go watch the video to see the full thing

I am working on the rest of the footage from the Black / Red vampires mirror match currently.  So expect to see those videos coming online in the next few days.  Then I have two more matches of footage from tuesday night.  I will also be recording at the Pre-Release on saturday which I will also be playing in... so if I get top 8 you will get to see me play ;)  I will also do a deck tech with the deck I create afterwards as well.

As far as my videogame channel is going I have been working on my Bioshock 2 Walkthrough.  I have all the footage for the next level recorded and am working my way through the level after that right now.  I still have to record audio for those though.  I have been trying to work on the COD: Black Ops walkthrough, however I have been having a rough time trying to be "Executive Order" without dying.  Whenever I get access to the internet with my xbox and computer at the same time again I will be working on more multiplayer stuff for COD and possibly even some Halo: Reach because I have a cousin on the other side of my family that plays with the pros.

Fighting the big daddy!

So that is it for now and I will talk to you all later.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fixed Computer and Free MTG Booster Packs

Hello everybody, this is Kevin from KlotzProductions and KlotzSquared and welcome to another blog entry.

So, after over a week of being without a computer I finally have it fixed and up and running again.  I ended up having to replace my motherboard and then I was still having problems when I installed the new board.  I kept getting a blue screen of death when I booted Windows.  To make a long story short I ended up doing a system restore back to December 30th and it fixed things up nicely.  I think there were driver and registry problems.  But now that everything is working you can expect all kinds of new videos coming during the next week.  The holiday season is over and so I don't have many hours at work right now.

My computer and HD PVR

I went and recorded last night at the FNM and also picked up the five Scars of Mirrodin Booster packs for the giveaway.  I am not exactly sure how I will choose the winner, it will probably be random, but I will make a video and post it on KlotzProductions within the next few days about it.

These could be yours!

I am uploading two new videos on KlotzSquared today.  They are both from COD: Black Ops.  The first video is a guide for a few quick and easy achievements and unlockables.  The second is a "gametage" commentary of a multiplayer game my friend played of Team Deathmatch on Firing Range.  So head over there and check those out.

Expect to see new gameplays the next few days on KlotzProductions.  Like I said, I recorded at the FNM last night and will be working on making new videos for you guys.  At the end of the month I will also be attending the pre-release for the new set.  I will be playing and recording the top 8 at that event.

So that is about it for now.  See you all later!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Computer Problems

Hello everybody, this is Kevin from KlotzProductions and KlotzSquared and it is time for another blog update.  So here we go. 

My computer is currently not working, for whatever reason, when I boot it up there is no display on the screen.  I know it isn't a monitor issue because I tried three different monitors with no luck.  I am thinking it might a video card issue.  I have a friend that is going to take a look at it today and will hopefully be able to tell me what the problem is.  I have a feeling it is going to cost me some money to get it fixed though and I don't have a lot of money right now but I need the computer.  So we will see.  Hopefully it won't set me back to much, but until I get it fixed I won't be able to make any new videos.

On a different note, I plan on going and recording new footage this friday and I will also see about getting the five booster packs to give away when I am there.  So keep checking back for updates and I will keep you all posted.

See you later!